The second meeting „From Euroscepticizm to Eurooptimizm“ approaching !

20-22 June 2018, Shtip, Macedonia

 Published on 13.06.2018

The International meeting aims to improve understanding and debating about  Euroscepticizm, to encourage civil participation in policy making process, to hear voices and opinion of citizens. 

In the frame of the meeting will be carried out debate”Euroscepticizm and its role for the future of Europe” aims to rise the question:How, when and why was born a term “Euroscepticizm” and what would be its implication to the future of Europe, will be carried out conference “We proud to be Europeans”,will be given start of two researches:“What does EU mean for you, personally?” and “What are your expectations about Europe’s future?”. The event  will be joined representatives of  local authorities, decision makers and citizens. The programme of event can be found here

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