Our first meeting „Our Europe“ approaching !

18-20 April 2018, Aksakovo, Bulgaria

 Published on 01.04.2018

International meeting aims to make cooperation stronger and more sustainable through expanding the established  Network of town, to present current European situation and to raise the question:  “What we received and what we lost of association of the EU?”. The event will meet the need of the citizens and the local authorities for sustainable cooperation. In the frame of the meeting, a partnership agreement for formal expenditures of the Network of town will be signed, to make a link between the previous and the current project. It will be a platform for the next meeting with the launch of the research “Eurosceptisizm – our past or our future”. In the frame of the event an exhibition “We achieve this with European support” will be arranged..The programme of event wii be published on the 

The programme of the event can be found here

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