Nughedu Santa Vittoria Municipality - Italy

Network of Towns

Address: City of Nughedu Santa Vittoria, Via del Parco, 09080 Nughedu Santa Vittoria, Oristano, Italy
Mayor: Francesco Mura
Number of citizens: 497
Province: Oristano
tel. 078369026



The municipality of Nughedu Santa Vittoria, is a town in Sardinia, in the province of Oristano. The population is 499 inhabitants.

The village overlooks the Omodeo lake almost entirely and is perched on a hill, in the middle of a dense vegetation of oaks and Mediterranean scrub. Omodeo Lake is an artificial lake that covers 29.37 km2. The territory of Omodeo's Lake is a SCI area, because of its considerable importance in terms of landscape and environment.

The municipality of Nughedu Santa Vittoria has a very important mountain, Mount Santa Vittoria, from which it takes the second part of the name; the first hand, derives from "nughe" ie "walnut", indicating that this area was once full of nut trees. The environmental value of the “Monte Santa Vittoria” is also great because it is dominated by spectacular granite masses that are majestic, between the dense forest lush, assuming bizarre shapes and crisscrossing the hills of "Intrecrastos" and "Artolochele" . Guglie, pinnacles, boulders by various forms, valleys, springs, rushing streams and dense vegetation make the resort one of the most beautiful in Sardinia. Mount Santa Vittoria rises steeply, becoming a valuable element in the landscape and presenting its natural and unspoiled, wedged between granite rocks that are the masters in the whole environment.

In the area called "Alamoju", on the mountain, there is a very important museum presenting several specimens of fauna, with birds of prey such as the golden eagle that nests in "S'Iscala Su Greccu "hawks, buzzards and others such as deer, hares and wild boar. The district boasts many elements prenuragic and nuragic as the "Domus de Janas" of "S'angrone" and "Arzolas de Goi" where you can admire the sculptures of the bull's head representing the head of the male God, adored by Neolithic populations which buried their dead in these artificial caves. In the Middle Ages the village was part of Curatoria “Barigadu”, appointed in an ancient document called “Condaghe di Santa Maria di Bonarcado”. It participated in the preliminaries of the peace of 1388 and, after the fall of the Giudicato of Arborea was part of the Marquis of Oristano.